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Dealer Application


T & D Miniatures presents

  St Louis  Dollhouse and Miniature Show

Strattford Inn  800 South Hwy Dr Fenton Mo 63026 636-343-5757

Three Day Sale  Friday and Saturday Sun  October 17,18,19

Show times: Friday 4pm to 9 pm  Sat 10am to 4pm Sun 10-3

Set up Friday March 28th 11am to 3pm

Vendor’s Business Name ______________________________________________

Vendors Name ____________________________________________________

Vendors address ____________________________________________

City:_________________-  St: ______   Zip:___________

Home phone ________________________ Cell_____________________Email_________________


Description of items you sell _____________________________________________________

Special Requests ___________________________________________________________

Number of 8 foot tables desired __ x 125.00 each = Total due $________

Number of 6 foot tables desires __x 110.00 each = Total Due $ ________



Method of payments (check One)                                                                Mail Payments to:

___ Full Payment Enclosed                                                                          T & D Miniatures

___Pay Pal                                                                                                    2599 Willow Brook Park                             

___ Deposit Enclose half now, balance due before Jan 1, 2014                  Fenton Mo 63026



By signing this contract I/We agree to abide by all the terms on page two and the following:

I/We relieve the owners of Strattfor Inn and the management of the show, its employees and workers of all responsibility for any injury or loss that may arise or come to vendor or his/her workers or his/her goods from any cause whatsoever while said premises are being occupied under this contract.  The lessor provides no insurance.   If said premises are destroyed by fire, or any cause whatsoever making it impossible to have the above named show,  the vendor waves any claim for damages and this contract is terminated

Vendors Signature _______________________  Date_______________________

Teresa Zwiener, Show Manager call if you need more information 314-277-2601

We reserve the right to fill the tables on a first come first serve basis.  We will make reasonable accommodations to give a requested location but cannot promise a location if conflicts with permits arise over floor plans, crowd control electrical issues or other unforeseen issues prior to or during the show

Please send this signed contract and minimum payment as soon as possible to ensure your preferred request

Shows for next two years at same location

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